山梨学院大学 エクセレント奨学金 給付学生募集のお知らせ 【大学】

Information About the Yamanashi Gakuin University Excellent Scholarship [University]



2023年度 エクセレント奨学金 募集要項(日本語版)

The Yamanashi Gakuin University Excellent Scholarship awards students who have achieved outstanding results in Academic Performance (including research papers, etc.), Acquisition of Qualifications/Certifications, Cultural and Arts, and Social Activities, and are a role model for other students. The Excellent Scholarship is granted by Yamanashi Gakuin University and repayment is unnecessary.
Please see the attachment for details regarding the application guidelines and application forms (Japanese and English versions are attached).

2023年度 エクセレント奨学金 募集要項(英語版)




The QR code for the application form is posted on the application guideline attached, but you may also access the application form through the link below:

https://forms.office.com/r/7y1xsgVcpy (application form)
※Please login with your uStudentIDNumber@st.ygu.ac.jp account.


▪山梨学院大学 学生センター(クリスタルタワー2階)
▪TEL 055-224-1240

▪Student Center (Crystal Tower 2F), Yamanashi Gakuin University
▪TEL: 055-224-1240
▪E-mail: studentaffairs@c2c.ac.jp