
① ② ① Excellent Scholarship ② The New System for Higher Education Aid ③ Tuition Support System (1) Scholarships The University offers scholarships to encourage students who achieve outstanding results in areas such as academic work, acquisition of qualifications, culture and arts, and social activities, and are role models for other students. The amount is 300,000JPY for particularly outstanding students (Type A) and 150,000 JPY for outstanding students (Type B). Students can apply once a year and there is no repayment obligation. Further details can be found at the University website (http://www.ygu.ac.jp/guide/scholarship.php). The Japanese government offers reduction or exemption of matriculation and tuition fees and as well as scholarships without repayment obligation based on the family's income, so that motivated and talented young students who wish to attend a vocational school, junior college, or university would not have to give up their enrollment to study at higher education for financial reasons. Students whose status of residence is "Student" are ineligible to apply for this aid. (https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/hutankeigen/index.htm), and the application guidelines will be posted on the University’s website as well as announced by email and on UNIPA. (2) Loans Japan Student Services Organization JASSO offers loans to students who cannot continue their studies due to financial difficulties. The "Type 1" loan is interest-free and the "Type 2" loan has interest; the loan is provided in monthly disbursement. Students whose residence status is "Student" are ineligible to apply for this loan. Further details can be found at JASSO’s website (http://www.jasso.go.jp/shogakukin/). Japan Finance Corporation Education Loan Japan Finance Corporation offers loans to those who require educational support. To apply for this loan, the student’s guarantor must be a resident of Japan. Further details can be found at the Japan Finance Corporation’s website (https://www.jfc.go.jp/n/finance/search/ippan.html). C2C Global Education Japan Inc. and Orient Corporation (Orico) jointly offer loans. Orico will pay the university fees on behalf of the guarantor, and the guarantor will repay it to Orico in monthly installments. To apply for this loan, the student’s guarantor must be a resident of Japan. Further details can be found at Orico’s website (http://www.orico.tv/gakuhi/index.php?clientid=14584395). 6. Scholarships and Loans 44 Information can be found at the MEXT’s website

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